Udval is an English teacher and translator. Born and raised in Uliastia, Zavkhan, Udval has spent her life in the gorgeous mountain countryside of western Mongolia.

When Udval reached out with her translation of The Leaked Letter by Rinchen B., I was thrilled to post it! I hope you enjoy this historical legend and appreciate the translation work done by Udval.
The Leaked Letter translated by Udval B.
In 1915-1916 I was a young student in Leningrad. I found some rare and ancient scriptures collected by many Russian scientists from the Asian Museum of Academy of Science. In the ancient Mongolian letters, there was a greeting that said: “My real word is in the mouth of messenger.” At the time, I didn’t comprehend the phrase.
The famous Russian scholar, Vladimartsov, said there is a clue in these ancient Mongolian letters. Even though they didn’t have the main message written down, they had who the messenger was. The message was entrusted to the messenger.
Later, when I traveled through Western Mongolia collecting folklore and searching for stone statues with ancient scripts, I met an elderly man. He had a wooden chest full of historic Mongolian books. He was an ordinary old Mongolian man, and said he knew the history of that enigmatic phrase, “My real word is in mouth of messenger.” Now, I’m writing about this sorrowful legend that took place in 17th century Mongolia.
The Leaked Letter
The army of Galdan Boshgot of Western Mongolia was severely defeated by the Manchu Khan's army in a place called Zuun Mod of the Tuul River. The mighty western Mongolian army was destroyed and swept away by the floods of the Orkhon River. The knight, Gulogdei, was the leader of the Tsoros clan, and was captured by the Manchu army in the Gobi on his way to the west. He was with his family and fragments of his soldiers. They were seized by the victorious Manchu army and forced to follow them.
They followed Manchu Khan’s army, but the Mongols harbored animosity in the bottom of their hearts. The defeated soldiers’ wounds from Zuun Mod of Tuul River hadn’t healed yet and they still lamented their loss.
Manchu Khan’s army was camping about 30 miles away from the Knight Gulogdei’s nomadic residence. A dragon flag of the Manchu general with the title of his military, Might Inspirer, was fluttering in the steppe wind. The guard soldiers of the Manchu army didn’t let the Mongols close their camp. However, the general Fu was a slim, tall, and healthy man who trained his soldiers every morning. Sometimes a curious shepherd boy would watch from a distance as the Manchu soldiers’ rehearsed on horseback and shot moon shaped targets.
Suddenly, the Knight Gulogdei began to visit to the General Fu. With every visit from the old Mongolian hero, the Manchu general welcomed him outside of his residence. Amazingly, they acted very friendly, as if they had never fought each other. Sometimes, Gulogdei stayed in the Manchu army camp for days, playing chess with general Fu.
All the men, both young and old, wondered about their ruler, Gulogdei, and his sudden courteous visit. They didn’t think that he was adapting with their enemy. They were quietly talking to each other concerning their old hero, who was an honest man, and so they believed that there was a clue to be found in his visits.
News of a fest spread amongst both soldiers and servants. The old knight, Gulogdei, would celebrate his birthday and general Fu would be invited to this birthday feast. As soon as the Mongolian centurions had heard that news, they gave an order to the decimal commanders to prepare food, airag, and other alcoholic beverage for the feast.
What? A birthday feast during such a difficult time? The old servants and young soldiers asked each other.
Centurions and decimal commanders said nothing, but they secretly smiled and said, “This is only an order from our old knight.”
The day of the feast came and it was a beautiful, bright day.
When general Fu came to knight Gulogdei’s camp, he was with his fully armed bodyguard soldiers. The Old knight welcomed him from a distance with his madame and his only son who looked very brave. Manchu bodyguard soldiers held up their flag and there was a sound of gun salute in the air from the Manchu army’s camp.
After the Manchu general had dismounted and greeted the old knight respectfully, he entered the majestic residence. Next, Manchu soldiers marched in teams, the sounds of a signal trumpet blared. The Manchu commaders’ high voice echoed throughout the old Mongolian hero’s camp. The Manchu bodyguard soldiers stood on all four sides of the residence as the guard of honor.
Manchu army’s dragon flag was hoisted at the side of the knight Gulogdie’s flag. Some tall and strong Manchu soldiers who were close guards of general Fu, brought gifts and followed their general into the yurt. Very soon they were served with drink and a melodious sound could be heard from inside.
Not far from Gulogdei’s residence, about 3 miles away, in that part of the wide steppe the public feast was ready. The well-dressed crowd comprised of thousands of horses that formed a big circle. On the right of the circle were wives, girls, and elders. It made the steppe appear as if it was full of colorful flowers. On the north side of the circle, fine courtly seats were prepared for the old hero and the Manchu men. All were waiting for the knight Gulogdei and the Manchu general.
Meanwhile, in the old hero’s residence, the women who had melodic clear voices finished the feast song. Afterwards, the fearless young man, Shunu, the old hero’s only son, filled the jade wine cup with wine. The old hero offered that wine to the general Fu and at that time the Manchu general winked at his bodyguards. At this gesture, Manchu guards who were standing at the door suddenly dashed forward and attacked Shunu and Gulogdie, the jade cup was cracked, and Gulogdei and his son both were tied up.
Frightened women exclaimed, “Blue sky!” but Manchu bodyguards stuffed their mouths and tied their arms. The residence grew silent. Only the low breathing of people who fought could be heard.
As soon as general Fu gestured at his guards, one of them went out and ordered to their soldiers. When he came back, the general Fu smiled and looked at Hero Gulogdie’s family and said, “Pardon me dear host! I had to do some precautionary procedures because of your secret trick. If I didn’t do this, my soldiers would immediately become headless bodies. I might have been tricked by you, but Geser Guanlooye, the strong deity of king Enkh-Amgalan blessed me. And I could get one of the secret letters that you sent to your commanders. So, I did this precautionary procedure against you.”
Хожим ховдын хязгаарт ардын аман зохиол, нутгийн аялгуу тэмдэглэж, эртний бичиг үсэгтэй хөшөө чулуу сураглаж, өртөө уургын улаагаар явж байхдаа, Цорос овогтой, авдраараа дүүрэн хуучин тод монгол ном судартай халтар өвгөнийд өнжин хонон саатаж, бичиг судры нь шохоорхон үзэхдээ /захих үг элчийн аманд бий/ гэсний учрыг тэр хөдөөний түүхч өвгөнөөс олж сонссоноо гуч шахам жил цээжиндээ хадгалж яваад, одоо үс буурал зохиолч болсон хойно эвлүүлэн бичиж, үзэгч олондоо уламжлах хүсэл төрлөө.
Арван долдугаар зууны үеийн манай ард түмний түүх, эмгэнэлт явдал олонтой бөгөөд сударчин хүн, судлан гүйцээгээгүйн учир /балар үе/ гэдэг тэр эрин цагийн гунигт домгийн тоймы нь найруулан өгүүлбээс ийн буюу:
Нууцыг задруулсан захиа
Баруун монголын Галдан Бошготын цэрэг, Манж Энх амгалан хааны цэрэгт Туулын зуун модны газар ихэд дарагдаад, зүүн гар хэмээх монголын хүчин мохож Орхон голын үерт авахуулан сарниж дутаасан Цорос омгийн Гөлөгдэй баатар цэрэг өрхийн хамтаар баруун зүг тэмцэн, говьд манжийн цэрэгт гүйцэгдэж, дийлсэн цэргийн хурц сүрт автагдан, арга буюу дагасан билээ.
Дайнд дарагдсан цэргийн Туулын зуун модны тэнд олсон шарх гүйцээж эдгээгүй, сэтгэлд түмэн гашуудал зангирсан нь алдраагүй, манж ханы цэрэгт өнгөндөө дагавч, өшөө хорсол хөдий цээжээр дүүрэн байжээ.
Гөлөгдэй баатрын өргөөнөөс өртөө хиртэй газар, манж цэрэг хуарагнаж сүрийг бадруулагч гэдэг цолтой манж жанжаны луут туг жанжны өргөөний өмнө хээрийн салхинаа намиран, манж цэргийн эргүүл харуул хамаагүй хүнийг хуарандаа ойртуулдаггүй байлаа. Сүрийг бадруулагч жанжин фү гэдэг, бие өндөр туранхай чийрэг өвгөн өглөө бүр цэргээ сургууль хийлгэж, хахир дуут цэргийн бүрээ илээж, манж цэрэг саран бай харвах, морин сургууль хийхийг хоньчин хүүхэд холоос сонирхон хардаг байлаа.
Гөлөгдэй баатар, фү жанжиныд хааяа ирдэг болж, манж цэргийн ноён, өвгөн баатрыг ирэх бүр өргөөнөөсөө гарч угтан улам дотно байдалтай болсон мэт, саяхан дайсагнан байлдаж байсан хоёр цэргийн жанжин бие биедээ ижилсэн дасаж манж ноён, монгол шатар сураад, Гөлөгдэй заримдаа өнжин шатар нүүдэг боллоо.
Отог цэргээ удирдсан өвгөн Гөлөгдэй баатар, манжийн сүрийг бадруулагч
фү жанжинтай гэнэт дотно найртай болж байн байн манж жанжны өргөөнд айлчлан очдог болсонд, хөгжин залуугүй гайхавч, өвгөн баатар маань арай ч дайсанд зусардамгүй шударга журамт хүн, лав нэг учир бий гэж шаг шуг хэлцдэг болжээ.
Тэгтэл өвгөн баатар, сүр бадруулагч фү жанжинг төрсөн өдрийнхөө найрт урин хуримлах чимээ гарч, зуутны тушаалаар аравны дарга нар, найрын хэрэгсэл, айраг цэгээ, цагаан идээ сархад бэлдүүлжээ.
Ийм цагт найр цэнгэл хийх гэдэг юу билээ гэж өвгөд эмгэд идэр цэргийн эрс бие биеэс асуун, арван зуун цэргийн даргаас лавлацгаавал /Өвгөн баатрын захиа элчийн үг/ гэж зууны дарга битүүлэг инэмсэглэн илүү дутуу үг хэлэхгүй ажээ.
Болзсон өдөр тэнгэр цэлмэг, маш сайхан байжээ.
Манж цэрэг туг далбаа барьцгаан, өвч зэвсэглэж, сүрийг бадруулагч фү жанжин хуарандаа буу талбин, торгон цэргээрээ хүрээлүүлж, Гөлөгдэй баатрын хүрээнд хүрэлцэн ирээд, өвгөн баатар, идэр залуугийн жавхлан бүрдсэн ганц хүүгээ дагуулан, хатантайгаа гарч, хүндэт зочинг холоос угтав.
Манж жанжин мориноос бууж, найрсаг байдлаар өвгөн баатрыг ёслон, арван ханатай улаан халзан хөлтрөгтэй өргөөнд нь оржээ. Жанжины цэрэг, баг багаараа жагсан, цэргийн дохионы бүрээ хангинаж, дарга нарын өндөр дуугаар тушаах манж цэргийн үг өвгөн баатрын хүрээнд дуурсаж, манж жанжны торгон цэрэг, өргөөний дөрвөн этгээдэд хүндэт харуул зогсов.
Гөлөгдэй баатрын тугийн дэргэд манжийн луут туг зоож, өвч хуягт, цэрэг, туг тойрон жагсав. Фү жанжны шадар бие хамгаалагч өндөр чийрэг хэдэн солоон цэрэг, жанжнаа дагаж өвгөн баатрын өргөөнд бэлгийн зүйлс барин орцгоож, удалгүй гаднаас сонсвол, сархад барин хөгжим өргөх чимээ сонсогдлоо.
Гөлөгдэй баатрын өргөөнөс зайдуухан, саахалт хирийн газар нийтийн найр зарласан газар, найр хуримын гоёл чимэгтэй сайхан хувцастай хүн цуглан, өргөн талын тэр хэсэгт нь эмээл хазаартай хэдэн мянган морь хад мэт хантайраас тай, хайцаг мэт тушаатай, хоймор талын асраар өвгөн баатар манж ноёдын суудал засаатай баруун т

Дараа уулзая ~ see you next time!