Yes it won!
The Final Empire Mistborn Book One by Brandon Sanderson is an awesome take on fantasy. The magic system is one I've never read or seen before called Allomancy. Vin is trained by Kelsier on how to burn metals. They ingest different metals and are then able to use them to manipulate things around them. They can push and pull their bodies through the air or they can affect peoples emotions around them. It's really well thought out and the reader learns along with Vin how this magic system works throughout the book. There is also a great villain in power to root against. The Lord Ruler has basically shat on the world and you are pulled along with Vin and her crew as they fight against this villain who is basically their god. If that's not compelling enough, there is a major plot twist that seals the deal at the end!
Brandon Sanderson is an affluent fantasy writer. Hear his thoughts on how he thought up Mistborn here:
I would be remiss if I didn't mention Dune by Frank Herbert and A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin. Both of these works show a mastery of worldbuilding. They created strong political tensions and fostered interesting relationships.

Agree or disagree with my top fantasy/sci fi winner? Tell me your thoughts on twitter or instagram @hmlswann or reach out here:
See you next Sunday for the top crime/thriller winner!