Writer. Teacher. Editor.
Spanning surreal landscapes and time, FLUENCY transports readers to dystopian futures, haunted houses, and the intimate life of a baby-snatching fae. The eight short stories blend elements of horror and myth into their narratives.
“The poetry and prose in this collection will take you on an uneasy, but deeply necessary, journey through the meaning of body, of sense and loss; how the bonds of trust and language can tunnel toward a shared truth. Swann finds precision and music in image. I lost track of how many times paused to linger and whisper yes. Like a character you’ll find in these pages, Swann crafts “her own language of song and sound.” The result is tender & exquisite.” — Tina Higgins Wussow, Host of Duluth’s Writer's Salon

With over six years of teaching experience in four countries, H. M. L. Swann has a passion for education and literacy. She received her master's degree in Creative Writing at the University of Manchester and holds a TEFL certificate from the International TEFL Academy. Her creative writing courses are open to all levels and she strives to create equitable safe spaces for writers to grow and thrive.

The content and writings on this page belong to H. M. L. Swann. One cannot copy, reproduce, or distribute any materials found here without consent.